Friday, July 22, 2011

New Things

Over the past few months, I've been trying to be more aware of the products I purchase. The quality of them, the impact their production had on the environment, and their chemical properties (ie. is this SAFE for me??)

Slowly, I've been upgrading.. (It can be more expensive, unfortunately.) Sometimes that means buying different products, and sometimes it's meant trying to make my own...

I'm still itching to make a cheek/lip stain from beets (as seen here) and sunscreen (which I can't find at the moment) as well as that face powder from egg shells I mentioned last week..

but yesterday, I needed mascara.

 I ended up at Mother's, because I knew they'd have an eco-friendly collection *wink* and I ended up with Lavera Bio-Organic Long Lash Mascara in black. And, already I give it 5 stars. I still don't know if it's worth the extra cost (this one was $19), but I figure it's the closest thing to my eyes... we'll see.

On another note.. I also bought a Diva Cup. I've read about them off and on for awhile now also.. and they had them at the market (how convenient). SO.. it may be TMI, but I'm going to see how it goes.. wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. AAAhhhhh! The idea of Diva Cups scares the poop out of me, but I'm curious to hear a first-hand account of what you think of it. TMI away!
