Tuesday, December 22, 2009

live to tell the tale, passion pit

this is the room where we always dreamed
of grass and splendid evenings
emitting frequencies, lost between the
leaves and things
and i held on brightly, crushing quietly
feeling mountains rising out of
make-believe seas, creating typhoons
of feelings not easily made without need

god bless that smile on your face
god bless the seeds in the ground
god bless my family's keen gaze,
oh, i know
that whatever happens to you,
whatever happens to me,
i hope that i'll fall asleep
knowing that you'll always be
the story with no ending

the whole slew blossomed beautifully,
and i was beside myself
so i gave into your love
as you rapture asleep, upended
and this is like i have always dreamed:
cobblestone and dusty feet
that's the way it should always be
head over heels and deftly
wonderful and healthy

god bless that smile on your face
god bless the seeds in the ground
god bless my family's keen gaze, oh,
i know that whatever happens to you,
whatever happens to me,
i hope that i'll fall asleep
knowing that you'll always be
the story with no ending

i never thought you were here
you've never left me, have you?
you've never left me at all--not once, and i'm sorry i'm such a bore
i'm sorry i am so hard
i swear to god, i'll be good
from now on, and

god bless that smile on your face
god bless the seeds in the ground
god bless my family's keen gaze, oh,
i know that whatever happens to you,
whatever happens to me,
i hope that i'll fall asleep
knowing that you'll always be
the story with no ending

Thanks, Lauren <3

Thursday, November 5, 2009

also, the deer.

I hit a deer on Sunday.

I seemingly forgot to mention THAT. ha.
still waiting to hear what the total damage is from the body shop & my insurance co.
it may be totaled.
I'm not sure what that would mean for me in terms of owning an "operable vehicle".

this could be great, or it could be awful.
I'll know in the next few days.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween 09!


Check out my sweet mask. Which I will be wearing all week.

I made it myself. Super easy...

one piece of black felt
a few bags of feathers
a few bags of sequins
one elastic band
glue gun
music to dance to...

I didn't take any "process" photos, so you'll just have to close your eyes and imagine it. Ready?

...If you want to do it the way I did it:
1. put the felt on your face and imagine how big you want your mask to be.
2. fold the felt in half try to cut out your imaginary shape (I'm very specific.)
3. put the felt back on your face and pinch where your eyes should go.
4. cut slits for the eye holes, and then experiment. (lol, you're loving this. I can tell.)
5. finesse the shape (cut vertical lines and overlap the edges for the beak, and smooth out the edges)
6. measure your elastic.
7. have your little sister help you hold things to your face.
8. glue the elastic to your mask
9. start gluing on feathers and sequins
10. and feathers and sequins
12. don't burn yourself.

I'm a bird. Or something.

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

pen & ink things

new things.
I decided today I needed to play with my pen...

I wish I could do this every day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

the lake was a good choice


Also.. I bought new wcs shoes! and they're great. and I went dancing in them last night.
I wish I could dance every day of the week.

Dancing at the BDC - July 26, 2009 from Jennifer Abbott on Vimeo.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

sunday sketching

more from the sketchbook...

sermon today? based on 1 Samuel 16:7 NAS But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

behold. a heart.

and some birds :) ...for good measure.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

making progress

here's a glimpse at my morning...er, afternoon.
today's agenda? the living room!

I just have to draw a few perspectives, come up with fabric options and some lighting ideas before sending it out for approval tomorrow :)

back to it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I pulled out all of my paper tonight and started cutting and gluing (is that how you spell it?)

see for yourself:


pinhole impressions

new things! it's about time. I know.......

I was browsing artists profiles in the internet the other day.. and found these "prints" that the artist was categorizing as pinhole art. I decided I could do it, or something similar, and set out to see what it would look like, using a little tack.

so far so good, but the tack was hard to hold and apply pressure to over and over again. I got crafty.

this works much better.

I'm happy with it. It is time consuming though.. more to come!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I found these two images via butdoesitfloat

loving the typography.
and the message.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wedding Photos!

Lauren posted these on facebook today... sorry for the small resolution.
If she puts them on her blog I'll link you! :)

But, without further adieu.....

1. storybook theater

2. we look like babies

3. waiting

4. uhm. helloooooo! my favorite

5. back it on up

6. he really is cute isn't he.

7. we're hot. we know.

8. oh hey there

9. he made me smile, a lot.

10. what

11. there's glass in my dress

12. it's okay.

13. we were still pretty awkward here.

14. pretty standard

15. it's easier if I don't look at the camera

16. don't let go

17. ready, set..

18. twirl

19. show stopper

I had so much fun doing that.
I know I'll never use these for anything... but, you can enjoy them with me.