I was trying to figure out the other day how long it's been since I started dancing West Coast Swing.. it's really hard to pinpoint. I can't even log into our old college network to look at my transcripts anymore. They would be able to tell me exactly when I took my first class. I should have printed those off..
I know that I took WCS2 both Fall and Winter terms of my last year (Fall 08 and Winter 09) which means that I must have taken WCS Spring of 08?.. I'm assuming. I started to take that class once before, maybe Fall of 07, but I had to drop it for a few different reasons.. Either way it was after I'd taken a few ballroom and latin classes (ugh.. and tap. what was I thinking? it was not as fun as it looks.)
So yes. Okay. I started dancing WCS in March of 2008. That's the official word from me. Which means that I've been doing this for three years now.. crazy. I still consider myself a newbie, still figuring it all out.
But, you never stop learning this dance. Maybe that's part of why I love it, it seems like growth is endless. And the "growing" part is actually fun :) When does that happen, really?
So.... come play with us! There is a
FREE dance this coming Monday night at the Ford Amphitheater in Hollywood.. It's early, in a crazy cool location, live music AND dj's, and it's FREE. Come by and join in the fun if you're in the area.. (free beginners lesson at 7pm!) I think it's really going to be a great night. See you there?