I'm trying to simplify my life.
I go through phases where I want to just get rid of everything I have and start from scratch. But then I remember that I have good things... and I don't want to be wasteful or ungrateful. It's a vicious cycle.
So. I'm donating as much as I can stand to live without, for now. Last week, I went through my shoes and my dresser. I'd already gone through my closet (dresses and hanging items) a few months prior. It's amazing how many things that I never wear. I mean never.
They all went into the bag. About 15 pairs of shoes and an entire bag full of tank tops, skirts, costume jewelry, you name it. Already I feel about 20 lbs lighter.
I'm letting go of a little at a time. Trying to see what has value and what doesn't. Visual clutter, I'm realizing, adds to mental clutter and clearing some of it away just feels. so. good.
My friends and I did a clothing swap where we all bought old stuff and switched it up. The rest of the stuff I'm selling at a garage sale this weekend. It was awesome. On another note, what size shoe are you? you should help a sista out! haha