This past weekend, I decided that was going to be my main focus and I tried to knock them out in three days.
The photos below demonstrate the process, and the changes, they underwent before I deemed them "finished"
let's begin!
(sorry for the "lighting change" I had my camera on the wrong setting, and I'd moved indoors to work the next day)

finished & hung below:

"Grace Flows Down"
and set #2

finished & hung below:
"Grace Flows Down"
and set #2
I decided it was too.... graffiti-esque, and not appropriate for our church lobby.. so I made the executive decision to scrap it and prime over everything . . . . . . .

but the letters still poked through.. the primer didn't stick where I'd mixed in metallic paint with the other water-based pigments.

and I love it.
These are cool :)