Wednesday, March 3, 2010


dun dun dun ZUMBA DAY!

Joy, I know I’ve quoted you already… but you really summed up the morning quite flawlessly...

Joy’s facebook status from Saturday:
“Thanks to Cousin Jen, I’ve already done the following today: Seen the Pacific Ocean, had a Hazelnut latte, chatted up a Rockette, stood in the pouring rain while holding MY umbrella over the dog to try to coax her to “go”, sang the words “Apple bottom jeans…”, met the ballerina who was on the 32 cent stamp, and Zumba-ed for the first time…not necessarily in that order.”
A. Joy & I aren’t necessarily morning people. But we did well, I think!
Let me give you a play by play of the morning.

Joy picked me up around 7:55am and we drove down the PCH to the Women’s Athletic Club to sign up for our FREE 5 DAY TRIAL (a review is coming on this as well). The open at 8. We didn’t know the “system”. So, once we find our way…… we walk up to a locked door…….. and then we stand there for a minute. And then, “I think I saw a Starbucks across the street” and we were on our way.

We ordered latte’s and I told Joy about my ballroom experience from the night before. Around 8:20, we went back to the gym and walked in to a little waiting room full of who we’d soon find out would be our fellow class members and instructor for the next hour.

Uhm the class was hard. They had all been coming for weeks, and had the routines memorized. And our cute little teacher smiled and said “just try to keep up as best as you can!” So we did. And we had a lot of fun. And the other women were really welcoming and encouraging, haha. We’d like to go back.. but it’s a bit out of my price range, $20 a class or $75 a month. So, we’ll see.

Also, the “former rockette” was in our class, and the “32 cent stamp ballerina” was our instructor. It’s okay to be jealous.

And we sang along.. “Apple Bottom Jeans..” while doing squats.. THE ENTIRE SONG. “Shorty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low…” That part, I wouldn’t be too jealous about.

It was fun though :) AY AY AY AY AY