my car hates me.
I kept putting off getting coolant.
and last night, I paid for it.
I went to chick fil a
YUM right? just frustrating.
while in line, I was just sitting, waiting, and my car was overheating.
so I turned it off..
then the line moved up, so I turned it on, and it died.
so I turned it on again, and the rpm meter thing freaked out.. and the little light that lights up when it’s in drive started flickering
and then the check engine light came on.
I finally got it to start, and got back on the road.. but got stuck at a light.
and my car died again.
it wouldn’t start. so I turned on my hazards and my heart almost beat out of my chest and my hands were so shaky.
I didn’t know what to do.
after two tries, it started
and I pulled off on the next street into a 7-11
called my dad
he thought I was overreacting, as he usually does (as I usually am…) ha
and told me to just try to start it up and drive straight home. I told him I was letting it cool down. we went through possibilities of what it could be.. and I ate my food in the parking lot.
when I finally went to try to start it again, it started up just fine, but my gear shifter locked up
so I couldn’t take it out of park.
he said “put your foot on the break, and push the button on the shifter in all the way, and shake it back and forth, it got lodged somehow”
so I’m putting all my weight on the brake and using all my force to wiggle this thing… to no avail. it wouldn’t move.
my dad says “okay. turn it off. call your uncle jeff”
“I don’t have his number”
“why don’t you have his number?”
“I mean. I have it. it’s on a piece of paper on the dining room table…”
“can’t you text it to me?”
“I don’t have it”
“can mom?”
“she’s not here”
cue freak out.
arrrgh. still at 7-11. dad’s trying to talk me down. I’m a little. frantic.
5 minutes later, I tried again.
and it started up and I got it into reverse
and took off.. took back roads (well. not really. I just drove on roads that were free and tried to get my speed up b/c that cooled the engine down)
my gps wasn’t working very well b/c the sky signal was weak.
so I didn’t know where I was going.. every time I slowed down the temperature gauge went up
bah. not a fun night.
I made it back here, finally.. and parked in the driveway but I’m not entirely to one side, there was another car and I just wanted to get here and be done with it.
I am home.
the driveway slopes downward
you have to have a guest pass to park in the lot, which is where I’ve been parking.
but after you’re there for so long, you get a warning anyway
since my aunt and uncle are gone, they told me to park in the driveway to “throw the patrol guy off my scent”
I didn’t even think about if my car didn’t start in the morning what I’m going to do with it in the driveway blocking BOTH cars in the garage.
so I went out there right after I got home and inside, per my dad’s request, to move it over slightly
it started up, but the stupid shifter locked up on me again.
I’m HOPING that when it cools down, it will let me move it up to flat ground so I can put water in it. I really think that would solve this big stupid mess.
otherwise, I don’t know, they’ll have to tow it out of the driveway? how dumb is that.
it should start. It haaaaas to start.
cut to this morning:
I was able to move it.. and get it out of the driveway onto flat ground.
I put water in, and bought coolant and oil and wiper wash
I HATE this stuff
these are the kind of things that I always just called my dad for and he’d either fix it or come to my rescue
I guess knowing that even my aunt and uncle were out of town and there really wasn’t anyone I could call was the scary part
I got my chick-fil-A.. but AT A COST